Class 2
Teacher Mrs Thorpe
Teaching Assistants Mrs Littlewood, Mrs Banford
Welcome to Class 2 who have of fun, learning and adventure.
In Class 2 we love to read and we are increasing our range of books continually. We share stories regularly and children love to bring books into class. We have an extensive range of books within our relaxing book areas as well as banded books for children to read at their level.
We ask that you
Read as often as possible
- Question yourself
- Read a variety of books
- Fill your head with knowledge
- Most importantly, learn to LOVE reading.
Exciting topics to come
- Transport through History
- Quest Stories
- Animals including humans.
We pride ourselves on good behaviour and positive rewards.
To do this we offer:
- Verbal praise
- A cloud system with a rainbow for excellent behaviour
- Team points
- A trophy for the winning team
- Stickers